Quest:The Healer in Linhir

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The Healer in Linhir
Level 140
Type Solo
Starts with Maldor
Starts at Ost Anglebed
Start Region Lower Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [78.7S, 39.1W]
Ends with Nanthel
Ends at Linhir
End Region Lower Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Map Ref [80.6S, 45.7W]
Quest Group Lower Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I'm not so incompetent a sergeant that I don't know what's been happening with Berion. Nor am I so heartless that I would deprive the lad of his livelihood because he remains haunted by the war.'

He stops to rub the weariness from his eyes. It doesn't work.

'He isn't the only soldier I've known to be troubled in this way.'

Casting his gaze to the south-west, he says, 'I've heard of a healer in Linhir who is interested in cases like Berion's. I would ask that you deliver this letter to her. I want to help Berion, but I don't have the knowledge.'


Maldor would like you to seek a healer in Linhir on Berion's behalf.

Objective 1

Maldor has asked you to speak with a healer in Linhir regarding Berion.

Talk to Nanthel in Linhir.

Nanthel: The healer reads the letter before folding it back up and tucking it into the folds of her dress.
'Too often, so long as the body appears to be intact, we ignore injuries to the mind and heart. I will correspond with Sergeant Maldor and Berion. You have my word as a healer that I will do what I can.'